Syngenta Seedcare celebrates decade of innovation
“There is tremendous pressure to grow more food from less soil and less inputs. Agriculture therefore needs to intensify but it is imperative that this does not occur at the expense of the environment and soil health. The agricultural sector, including input suppliers and farmers alike, has an obligation[...]
Zylem and African Data Technologies pioneer carbon footprint life cycle assessment – a first for SA
South Africa’s first published carbon life cycle assessment on an agricultural input. Zylem, a leading manufacturer of biofertilisers and soil amendments, has achieved a significant milestone in sustainability by publishing South Africa's first carbon life cycle assessment (LCA) of an agricultural input. This groundbreaking study, conducted in collaboration with[...]
Bacteria have a right to life: The importance of preserving the lives of beneficial microorganisms
Bacteria can break down pollutants and enhance soil fertility. In bioremediation research conducted by the Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology Research Group of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC-Soil, Climate, and Water), bacteria and fungi possessing these abilities were isolated and identified. There are also microorganisms that are able to associate[...]
Carbon sequestration: Putting carbon back into the soil
The need to put carbon back into the soil where it belongs instead of being released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming, is very real. There is no time to waste while the world is seeking environmentally friendly alternatives to using fossil fuels as[...]
Erosion control in Malawi Part 4: How to deal with steep slopes
Prevention is always better than cure. This is particularly true about soil erosion, where the slowing down of runoff water on a steep slope can prevent the formation of gullies and deep head-cuts. Figure 1: The manufacture of grass fence sections: 1 – Making the frame and 2 –[...]