
Zylem and African Data Technologies pioneer carbon footprint life cycle assessment – a first for SA

South Africa’s first published carbon life cycle assessment on an agricultural input. Zylem, a leading manufacturer of biofertilisers and soil amendments, has achieved a significant milestone in sustainability by publishing South Africa's first carbon life cycle assessment (LCA) of an agricultural input. This groundbreaking study, conducted in collaboration with[...]

By Specialist Writer|9th October 2024|Categories: Fertiliser, Soil|Tags: , , , , |

Kynoch Fertiliser cares for nature through innovation and science

Kynoch fertiliser has a long history in South Africa of supporting farmers through crop care. As an agricultural inputs company, they provide a range of products to promote crop health, and growth and cater to site-specific needs. But at the centre of their innovation, the company always ensures to[...]

By Maryna Steyn|29th March 2023|Categories: Fertiliser, News|Tags: , , |

The importance of balanced fertilisation

Balanced crop fertilisation is a crucial aspect of agricultural productivity, and it can be especially important in Africa, where many farmers struggle with low soil fertility and limited access to fertilisers. Here are some key points to consider when implementing balanced cropfertilisation: Soil testing The first step in balanced[...]

By Specialist Writer|3rd March 2023|Categories: Articles, Fertiliser|Tags: , , |

Kynoch- jou langpadvennoot vir sukses

Kynoch is al meer as 'n honderd jaar 'n plantvoedingsvennoot vir Suid-Afrikaanse boere en bied innoverende en doelgemaakte produkte gebaseer op die behoeftes en groeifases van verskeie gewasse. Hulle is daartoe verbind om elke boer jaar na jaar van die kundige advies en ondersteuning te voorsien wat nodig is[...]

By Bianca Henning|21st February 2023|Categories: Fertiliser, Gewasproduksie, Videos|Tags: , , , , |

Kynoch and the company they are today

Named after its founder, George Kynoch, the Kynoch brand has been part of agriculture in Southern Africa for the last 104 years. The original company, known today as Kynoch Fertilizer, started as a munitions and explosives manufacturer that had its origin in Birmingham, England. In the early 1900s, land[...]

By Specialist Writer|5th January 2023|Categories: Fertiliser|Tags: , , , , |
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