
Knittex wys boere by NAMPO: “Dit is waarom ons markleiers in landbounette is!”

Multiknit, die houermaatskappy van Knittex bestaan al sedert 1964. Wat begin het as ‘n invoerder van tekstiele vir landbougebruik vervaardig ook nou 86 verskillende produkte in hulle fabriek in Mkhuhlu, Suid-Afrika. Plaaslike en internasionale boere maak reeds jare lank staat op hierdie maatskappy. “Die skadunet wat ons vervaardig word[...]

By Maryna Steyn|7th June 2023|Categories: Hulpbronbestuur|Tags: , , , , |


Covering orchards with low-percentage agricultural net can significantly improve the performance of your orchard / vineyard. Part of the responses can be attributed to the filtering of the light spectrum by the nets, and part is due to physical protection and creating a friendlier micro-climate. Advantages of using agricultural[...]

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