Kynoch: Enhanced efficiency through innovation
Fertiliser that stays in step with your growing crop Kynoch’s vision is to be a plant nutrition supplier that complements agricultural businesses by using innovative, yield-enhancing technologies. “We have a full range of fertilisers, from granular fertiliser to optimisers, water soluble, and lately also biological fertilisers,” says PJ Fryer,[...]
Bemestingsbeginsels vir koring
Deur Jason Sparrow, SIDI-landboukundige, BSc Agric Hons, PriSciNat (Regnr 400202/11) Die bemesting van koring speel ‘n groot rol in die suksesvolle en volhoubare produksie daarvan. Sekere beginsels is belangrik om te oorweeg tydens die beplanning van ‘n volledige koringvoedingsprogram. Voedingstowwe moet in die regte vorm, asook in die grondoplossing,[...]