
No electricity needed with Rotrix travelling irrigators

Rotrix’ various travelling irrigation units make watering your crops easy. They are also available in Africa. Advantages of choosing Rotrix traveling irrigator over other systems Capital cost per hectare dramatically reduced. The automatic watering systems can be easily moved and set up by two labourers. The irrigation systems are[...]

By Benine Ackermann|12th December 2024|Categories: Articles, Irrigation|Tags: , , , , , |

Maximise your profits with Rotrix irrigation systems

Whichever irrigation system you are looking for, Rotrix will have it for you! They have the most cost-efficient travelling irrigation systems available in Africa, that will maximise your farming profits and will not let you down. The first rainmaker travelling irrigation systems was designed and built in the early[...]

By Benine Ackermann|12th November 2024|Categories: Articles, Irrigation|Tags: , , , , |

Irrigation Unlimited laat elke druppel tel met hulle Ocmis- en Rotrix-spuite

Water is beslis lewe, want ‘n boer het water nodig om sy gewasse te laat groei en die regte hoeveelheid op die regte tyd en plek is net so belangrik vir ‘n goeie oes. Irrigation Unlimited was weer eens ‘n bekende gesig by NAMPO met hulle  verskuifbare spuite wat[...]

By Benine Ackermann|24th May 2024|Categories: Artikels, Besproeiing, Gewasproduksie|Tags: , , , |

Rotrix Africa’s traveling irrigators irrigates hassle-free

“Technology is wonderful, but it’s also attractive to thieves,” says Andries Bothma, Production and Sales Manager and Regional Officer from Rotrix Africa. He told NAMPO-visitors about the reliable solution for irrigating small fields, pastures, and vegetable fields. The travelling irrigators only need a water supply and no electricity. The[...]

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