No electricity needed with Rotrix travelling irrigators
Rotrix’ various travelling irrigation units make watering your crops easy. They are also available in Africa.
Advantages of choosing Rotrix traveling irrigator over other systems
- Capital cost per hectare dramatically reduced.
- The automatic watering systems can be easily moved and set up by two labourers.
- The irrigation systems are designed for low running costs.
- Operators irrigate large areas without supervision.
- Can be used with existing pump and mainline systems.
- Water application can be adjusted and accurately managed.
- The irrigators are manufactured locally.
- The travelling irrigators only need a water supply and no electricity.
- There are no power cables that can be stolen by thieves.
- The Rotrix traveling irrigators can be hitched to your bakkie or quad bike and moved around the farm.
- You can irrigate your crop straight from a dam, storage tank or borehole with a minimum of 3 bar water pressure.
- The structure is made from fully galvanized steel to prevent rust, and the wheels are suitable for road use as well as surviving the conditions in your field without getting stuck.
- Parts are easily available.
How the travelling irrigators work
The unit is placed on one side of the field. Its durable Oroflex water pipe gets rolled out to the water supply in the centre of the field. The steel cable is then rolled out to the opposite side of the field where it is anchored. The cable is thus twice as long as the water pipe.
Part of the water stream is used with a 4 mm sprayer to rotate a disc that then drives gears and a chain system to reel in the steel cable which pulls the entire unit across the field at the speed of your choice. The two sprayers can irrigate a section of up to 50 metres wide with adjustable drop sizes.
For more information, contact Rotrix at 023-342-3010 or visit their website at: