Youths to drive Africa’s agriculture growth – experts
The role of youths in agriculture came into focus during this year's Africa Youth Agribusiness Forum held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia early November. Young people are increasingly being seen as the future, if not the present, of agriculture in Africa at a time the sector faces a myriad of[...]
Growth monitoring in poultry
Article supplied Broiler weight is an important parameter when growing broilers. After all, the end goal of raising broilers is to get as many birds to market as possible, using the least amount of feed, and producing the greatest amount of meat. With pressures on the industry to reduce[...]
African agribusiness Part 4: companies can still grow
by Tapuwa Mashangwa They say that money makes the world go round, a statement which also holds true for agriculture. Every step in production requires some form of monetary use, thus agribusinesses are influenced by a myriad of economic factors that either spur or limit growth. Agribusinesses participating in[...]
Agriculture can provide the growth needed in Africa
Africa has an increased population density, especially in rural areas, placing more pressure on land availability, agricultural systems, and food security. (Source: Pexels) Africa's current population of approximately 1,39 billion people is expected to double by the year 2050 to about 2,5 billion. This highlights the need for growth[...]
High alert warning to all farmers: Plant pests may explode in the growth season
An unprecedented outbreak of African bollworm in canola and wheat in the Western Cape triggered fears that plant pests may explode in the forthcoming growth season. Reports of very large numbers of moths trapped in pheromone traps in other parts of South Africa indicate a very challenging season ahead[...]