
Why sorghum is a good crop, and how to better grow it

People in Africa have been eating sorghum for thousands of years, but in recent times we seem to have forgotten about it. However, there are very good reasons to bring sorghum back to your farm. Reggie Mchunu from Pannar answers our questions. Why is sorghum a good crop to[...]

The importance of balanced fertilisation

Balanced crop fertilisation is a crucial aspect of agricultural productivity, and it can be especially important in Africa, where many farmers struggle with low soil fertility and limited access to fertilisers. Here are some key points to consider when implementing balanced cropfertilisation: Soil testing The first step in balanced[...]

By Specialist Writer|3rd March 2023|Categories: Articles, Fertiliser|Tags: , , |

Vegetable production part 15: How to start with Swiss chard

Swiss chard can easily be confused with spinach. This is because these green, leafy vegetables only differ slightly in appearance: Swiss chard has bigger, broader leaves and thicker stems. When it comes to nutritional value, both are jampacked with minerals and vitamins, and the only real difference is that[...]

Vegetable planting guide part 12: Peeling the layers off onion farming

Evidence suggests that onions have been part of the human diet for over 5 000 years. This means that it may have been one of the first cultivated crops. Knowing this, a quote by American cooking teacher, Julia Child, rings true: “It’s hard to imagine society without onions.” The[...]

Vegetable planting guide Part 9: Sunflowers

The sunflower, Helianthus annus L., is one of the few crop species that can be traced back to North America, despite reports that it originated in the Fertile Crescent, Asia, or in South or Central America. Most likely, it was used as a "camp flower" by several western Native[...]

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