Vegetable production

Vegetable production part 17: Turning a new leaf with African leafy vegetables

Lerotho, Bangala, Spider flower, Delele, Jew’s mallow and kale are all part of the African leafy vegetables that can be commercially grown. These plants also help fight against malnutrition as they are rich in many minerals and vitamins. We will be discussing these leafy greens as a group since[...]

By Specialist Writer|15th September 2022|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , |

Vegetable production Part 16: Let’s ring the bell (pepper)

Bell peppers, sweet peppers or just good old peppers, these vegetables are jam packed with nutrients. Red peppers contain 300% the daily re­quirement of Vitamin C — significantly more than oranges. Botanically speaking, peppers are fruits. Most commonly they are re­ferred to as vegetables when it comes to culinary[...]

By Specialist Writer|15th August 2022|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , |

Vegetable production part 15: How to start with Swiss chard

Swiss chard can easily be confused with spinach. This is because these green, leafy vegetables only differ slightly in appearance: Swiss chard has bigger, broader leaves and thicker stems. When it comes to nutritional value, both are jampacked with minerals and vitamins, and the only real difference is that[...]

Vegetable production Part 14: Learn bit-by-bit how to grow cucurbits

A cucurbit is any plant from the Cucurbitaceae family. These plants are climbing or trailing plants and include squash, pumpkin, gourd, watermelon, melon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and marrows. They can be divided into the categories of pumpkins and squash (Cucurbita spp), melons (Cucumis melo), cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) and watermelons (Citrullus[...]

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