Onions, potatoes, and tomato volumes trend downwards
Cabbage Weekly average price trends increased while monthly price trends declined, each supported by declines in weekly volumes supplied and increases in monthly volumes supplied. Volumes are anticipated to continue increasing over the next three months, suggesting that prices may remain under pressure. We note that consumer demand will[...]
Agri Trends: Vegetable market report – Global onion shortages to influence local market prices
Average monthly prices for onion portrayed increases, off the back of a decrease in volumes supplied. Cabbage market trends Average cabbage prices followed increasing price trends by 8,2% week-on-week and 29,2% month-on-month. Monthly averages increased from R2 476 per ton to R3 200 for the week ending on March[...]
Vegetable planting guide part 12: Peeling the layers off onion farming
Evidence suggests that onions have been part of the human diet for over 5 000 years. This means that it may have been one of the first cultivated crops. Knowing this, a quote by American cooking teacher, Julia Child, rings true: “It’s hard to imagine society without onions.” The[...]