
Agri Trends: Vegetable market report – Global onion shortages to influence local market prices

Average monthly prices for onion portrayed increases, off the back of a decrease in volumes supplied. Cabbage market trends Average cabbage prices followed increasing price trends by 8,2% week-on-week and 29,2% month-on-month. Monthly averages increased from R2 476 per ton to R3 200 for the week ending on March[...]

By Specialist Writer|8th March 2024|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Reimagining seed potato farming with a crane-friendly trial at Ivanhoe Farm

Potatoes are traditionally one of the most intensive crops to grow on a commercial scale in terms of soil disturbance and chemical input usage. Is there potential for the economically viable production of high-quality seed potato crops using regenerative agriculture practices and minimal to zero synthetic fertilisers and chemical[...]

By Specialist Writer|22nd November 2023|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , , , |

Hybrid True Potato Seed: Unlocking the power of the potato on the African continent

By Justin Platt, Founder & CEO, Zylem and RegenZ Today, a major transformation in potato breeding is here in the form of hybrid true potato seeds (HTPS), created through new non-GMO breeding technology that allows for the production of stable and uniform potatoes from true seed instead of tubers.[...]

By Specialist Writer|29th May 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , , |
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