
Reimagining seed potato farming with a crane-friendly trial at Ivanhoe Farm

Potatoes are traditionally one of the most intensive crops to grow on a commercial scale in terms of soil disturbance and chemical input usage. Is there potential for the economically viable production of high-quality seed potato crops using regenerative agriculture practices and minimal to zero synthetic fertilisers and chemical[...]

By Specialist Writer|22nd November 2023|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , , , |

Solynta and RegenZ Partner to Bring Hybrid Potatoes to South Africa

Partnership will bring disease-free, pesticide-free, non-GMO potatoes to the South African market South African seed potato producer RegenZ and European hybrid potato seed innovator Solynta announced a partnership to bring hybrid true potatoes to the South African farming community. The companies will collaborate in further trials and join forces[...]

By Specialist Writer|10th February 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , , , |
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