
Diesel vs Electric: Which is better for pump systems?

Diesel is often the preferred energy for pump systems, particularly temporary sites. But electrical pumps can be a superior alternative. Few people question the wisdom of using diesel-powered pumps, particularly for temporary sites or rental arrangements. Their faith is well-placed: diesel-powered portable pumps have been the standard for decades,[...]

By Specialist Writer|30th April 2024|Categories: Articles, Mechanisation|Tags: , , |

Big petrol price increases expected in February

Current unaudited fuel data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF) is showing significant increases for all grades of fuel in February. Commenting on the data, the Automobile Association (AA) says the numbers are indicating that the short-lived relief South African motorists enjoyed in the past three months is over.[...]

By Specialist Writer|5th February 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |


DEUR DIRK GALLOWITZ van Ultimate Drive Kia Motors Suid-Afrika se jongste Sportage model is een van die finaliste in vanjaar se gesaghebbende Suid-Afrikaanse Motor van die Jaar kompetisie wat op 1 Junie 2023 aangekondig word. Die  turbo-aangejaagde petrolmodelle wat einde laasjaar plaaslik bekendgestel is, staan wat ons betref kop[...]

By Specialist Writer|23rd June 2023|Categories: Artikels, Wiele|Tags: , , |

Breakdown of petrol costs in SA 2021

Petrol users across South Africa are paying around R5 a litre more for fuel in May 2021, compared to May 2020. These increases come off the back of significant fuel price increases throughout the first few months of the year, which saw fuel reach record highs in April. Although[...]

By Specialist Writer|19th May 2021|Categories: News|Tags: , |
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