
Totale plaasbeheer: Zimmatic l FieldNET tegnologie verander jou hele bedryf

In die hart van Namibië se landbouomgewing, by Namibia Dairies in Mariental, lei Emile Mouton, 'n toegewyde boer, 'n nuwe era van besproeiingspraktyke in met Zimmatic-tegnologie. Met 'n fokus op volhoubare waterbestuur en verbeterde oesopbrengste, deel Emile insigte oor die plaas se evolusie en die kardinale rol van besproeiing[...]

Total farm control: Zimmatic/FieldNET technology revolutionises your entire operation

Article supplied In the heart of Namibia's agricultural landscape, Emile Mouton, a dedicated farmer at Namibia Dairies in Mariental, is spearheading a new era of irrigation practices with Zimmatic technology. With a focus on sustainable water management and improved crop yields, Emile shares insights into the farm's evolution and[...]

By Specialist Writer|24th April 2024|Categories: Articles, Irrigation|Tags: , , , |

Zimmatic spilpunte verhoog opbrengste en maak besproeiing maklik

Boerdery in die Noordwes-provinsie het 'n lang en ryk geskiedenis, en die gebruik van spilpunt besproeiing het 'n groot impak op die sukses van hierdie boere gehad. In 'n onderhoud met DG Fourie van die plaas Rooipoortjie en Hartebeespoortjie, tussen Potchefstroom en Parys, het ons meer geleer oor hoe[...]

By Specialist Writer|13th December 2023|Categories: Artikels, Besproeiing|Tags: , , , |

Farming in the mountains: Zimmatic ensures sustainable irrigation

Article supplied About 30 kilometers east from Verkykerskop in the magnificent mountain range of the Eastern Free State, one finds Groothoek Farms. This is where farmer Sakkie Bibbey spends most of his time, tending to his crops and lands with exceptional attention to detail. Sakkie Bibbey has been farming[...]

By Specialist Writer|7th June 2023|Categories: Articles, Irrigation|Tags: , |
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