Agroforestry 3: Women’s role and rights
Women play an important role in agroforestry and other farming systems, as they make up about 50% of the agricultural labour force. Yet, in many countries on the continent, they have less access than men to resources and opportunities. This divide between the roles of men and women is[...]
International seeds day: celebrating organic farming
International Seeds Day is synonymous with farmer rights and advocating for organic farming. The yearly celebration of 26 April sees farmers, seed companies and organic food activists highlight the beauty and purpose of a seed. The main purpose behind this day is to encourage seed saving and to inform[...]
Planting quality seeds
Seeds being planted that have been protected with MAXIM® XL and CRUISER® 600FS. Seeds are a vital input for agricultural productivity. There are many seed companies that offers good seed. To provide the farmer with the best yields, seed should have the best genetics. But to enhance and help[...]