Agroforestry 3: Women’s role and rights
Women play an important role in agroforestry and other farming systems, as they make up about 50% of the agricultural labour force. Yet, in many countries on the continent, they have less access than men to resources and opportunities. This divide between the roles of men and women is[...]
As seed prices soar, smallholders in Zimbabwe turn to old ways
by Marko Phiri With prices of fertiliser and the staple maize seed soaring amid runaway inflation, some smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are resorting to preserving maize seeds from previous harvests for replanting. While the government has distributed farming inputs such as maize seed to millions of farmers across thecountry,[...]
AGT Foods Africa improve cover crop yields with AgriCOTE
AgriCOTE, a product offered by AGT Foods Africa, has revolutionised the way farmers plant their seed. The product protects the seed against soil and seed borne pathogens as well as helping it turn into a strong seedling. AGT Foods started as Advance Seed in 2006 with the AgriCOTE technology[...]
Soya bean inoculation at its best with ATUVA®!!
Since the breakout of Covid-19, the prices of fertilisers have been rising monthly. This has been compounded with the war in Ukraine. Regardless of whether the commodity prices of fertiliser rise, farmers must continue producing, because we all need food. Food is a necessity, and we all need to[...]
Pioneer’s® LumiGEN™ seed treatments hit South African soil
New solution designed, verified and proven to work with company’s industry-leading genetics Following the opening of Corteva Agriscience’s Centre for Seed Applied Technologies (CSAT) laboratory in Rosslyn, Gauteng, farmers can now reap the benefits of LumiGEN™ seed treatments, no matter what Pioneer® brand hybrids or varieties they plant. Treated[...]