Design Biologix
Discover the power of animal vaccination and how it safeguards your livestock
Vaccines are a powerful tool that offer farmers a proactive way to safeguard their animals’ health, reduce the risks of disease, and improve productivity on their farms. With the steep demand for quality livestock products, ensuring the well-being of animals through vaccination has become an essential practice for farmers[...]
Design Biologix: Formidabele vrou vat voor
Karen Nel is die eienaar van Design Biologix, die entstofvervaardiger wat gereeld tot die redding van veeboere kom wanneer ՚n nuwe siekte hulle voortbestaan bedreig. Design Biologix het op 1 Maart vanjaar hulle dertigste bestaansjaar met ՚n glansryke geleentheid by hulle hoofkantoor in Rigelrylaan, Pretoria gevier. Tydens die geleentheid[...]