undercover farming
A solution to solve every tunnel farmer’s problem
Surely the biggest obstacle in the way of beginning with tunnel production is the required capital outlay to erect the structures and install the required systems. Vaughan Coetzee of ModelCapital offers a financial support scheme enabling the intending tunnel farmer to obtain everything to get a foot in the[...]
Farm under cover to boost production (even dagga)
“At this stage a policeman will probably arrest you if he finds dagga in your possession, but it is possible that the magistrate will afterwards enjoy sharing a reefer with you!” This is how a smiling Gail Pedra of Kernel Country explains the present legal position regarding cannabis and[...]
Undercover Farming Expo & Conference 2018
When: 07 - 08 March 2018 Where: CSIR Convention Centre, Brumeria, Pretoria Speakers: Roger Jacques - Waste to Food Wouter Conradie - NSF International Click here for the conference program. For more information or to book your place go to: http://www.undercoverfarmingexpo.co.za/
Undercover Farming is die toekoms
Die klimaatveranderingsdebat is ‘n ingewikkelde een en ons hou maar almal asem op, want vinnige temperatuurveranderinge voorspel niks goeds vir landbou nie. Die beskuttelandbousektor het gelukkig die vermoë om homself teen natuurverskynsels te verskans. Die Undercover Farming-skou en -kongres is onlangs in Pretoria gehou om te kyk wat die[...]
Undercover Farming se Wes-Kaap-konferensie
Dit is amper tyd vir Undercover Farming se konferensie in die Wes-Kaap, ‘n MOET vir alle tonnel- en nethuisboere. Die konferensie vind op 11 en 12 Oktober 2016 by die Allee Bleue Estate, Groot Drakenstein in Kaapstad plaas. Van die sprekers wat daar gaan wees is Michael Southwood van[...]