VIDEO: Jabeco | NAMPO Cape 2024
Focused on irrigation control, remote control and fertigation remote control and monitoring, Jabeco has you covered! Some of their areas of expertise are dam level censoring, power management and bulk water management, which includes boreholes and filling up dams. Jabeco Wireless Solutions also does environmental control for a whole[...]
Smarter farming with Jabeco’s water management solutions
With Jabeco’s wireless automation irrigation infrastructure farmers can now shift their focus from water management and get down to the business of farming. South African farmers face many challenges in managing scarce and declining water resources. At Jabeco, they understand these difficulties firsthand, which is why they developed a[...]
Undercover Farming is die toekoms
Die klimaatveranderingsdebat is ‘n ingewikkelde een en ons hou maar almal asem op, want vinnige temperatuurveranderinge voorspel niks goeds vir landbou nie. Die beskuttelandbousektor het gelukkig die vermoë om homself teen natuurverskynsels te verskans. Die Undercover Farming-skou en -kongres is onlangs in Pretoria gehou om te kyk wat die[...]