
VIDEO: Goodbye weeds, hello healthy crops! | Corteva SureStart®

Weeds in the field can mean that your crop must compete for water, sunlight, and space to grow. This is where Corteva’s SureStart® comes in to save the day. SureStart® is a systemic suspension emulsion herbicide for the pre- and early post-emergence control of annual broad leaf weeds as well as[...]

By Specialist Writer|12th August 2024|Categories: Resource management videos, Videos|Tags: , , |

Stop weeds in their tracks with SureStart®

At the end of the day, all any maize farmer wants are healthy plants and a good harvest. Achieving this involves a number of things, one of which is clean fields. Weeds in the field can mean that your crop must compete for water, sunlight, and space to grow.[...]

Join the Corteva Crop Protection team at NAMPO 2024

The Corteva Crop Protection team are looking forward to the NAMPO Grain SA Harvest Day taking place between 14 and 17 May 2024. This year we shall focus on our potato, maize, citrus and soya bean portfolio. Be sure to enquire about our versatile and innovative range of crop[...]

SureStart® (Reg. No. L10385)

Have you heard about our systemic suspension emulsion herbicide for the pre- and early post-emergence control of annual broadleaf weeds and some annual grasses in maize? SureStart® (Reg. No. L10385) herbicide can be applied from pre-plant through early post-emergence, providing growers with the flexibility to overcome unexpected delays at[...]

By Specialist Writer|6th September 2023|Categories: Articles, Crop production, Crop protection, News|Tags: |
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