WHAT A Biofilm is an often invisible community of bacteria which can build up on any equipment or surface. Many species of bacteria can form in a biofilm and this can play a significant role in harbouring and transferring pathogens. A biofilm is usually undetectable by eye, however an[...]
The best possible start
To provide the best possible start for your calves it is firstly important to understand what the calf needs. A Farm enterprise is a longer-term business model than most people consider, driven by developing better production animals more efficiently. The first few weeks of life will have the biggest[...]
5 Steps for Better Maize Silage
Step 1: Planning It is never too early to plan your silage-making process. Early and proper planning will not only help you to avoid certain potential challenges, but will also provide the best opportunity to make good quality maize silage. Step 2: Harvesting It is important to realize that[...]
Meet the nutrient requirements of new-born calves: Supply proteins for performance
Article supplied Proteins play an integral part in muscle development and growth in the young calf. Ensuring that there is sufficient protein in calves’ diet will boost your profit once they are older. One of the most pertinent questions that farmers face is whether to feed whole milk or[...]
Liquid gold: The importance of colostrum in new-born calves
Article supplied Colostrum is the natural and most important defence mechanism against disease for new-born calves. Adequate quality and quantity of colostrum fed to calves promptly leads to higher performance, immune success, and reduces economic losses. To ensure efficient, high performance calf rearing, one of the critical success factors[...]