
Reinke says: Pivot beats drip system

Mechanised irrigation systems are the leading method of crop irrigation in many agricultural areas around the world. Mechanised irrigation systems are steadily replacing traditional flood irrigation and other types of sprinklers, as well as subsurface drip irrigation (SDI). Irrigation conversions are often made to cut down on farm labour[...]

By Specialist Writer|20th July 2020|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , |

Agriplas put groei uit elke drupel

Water word al skaarser en duurder en dit raak al hoe belangriker dat elke druppel water wat ’n boer gebruik, doeltreffend aangewend word, sonder vermorsing. Gelukkig geniet Suid-Afrikaanse boere die voordeel van wêreldklas besproeiingstegnologie wat deur maatskappye soos Agriplas in Kaapstad voorsien word. As dit van Agriplas afhang, sal[...]

By Benine Ackermann|10th August 2016|Categories: Crop production|Tags: , , |
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