
Groei met Bonnox in Afrika

Wanneer jy jou plaas “Bonnox”, moet jy seker maak dit is die regte Bonnox-produk wat sedert die sestigerjare in Suid-Afrika vir Afrika ontwikkel is. ’n Namaaksel kan nooit die Ware Jakob wees nie, want baie jare se swoeg en breinwerk is belê om van Bonnox dié staatmaker handelsmerk in[...]

By Specialist Writer|2nd September 2024|Categories: Resource management, Veiligheid, Wild|Tags: , , , , |

With Bonnox , fencing is easy

“It is easy as pie to erect Bonnox fencing. I saw it in ProAgri for the first time three years ago,” says Floris Venter from Bloemfontein in central South Africa. Floris already fenced in 300 hectares for a game/wildlife farm. It is 8 km of fencing. Floris says it[...]

By Annemarie Bremner|2nd September 2024|Categories: Zambia|Tags: , |

Bonnox has passed the baton!

Africa offers countless opportunities and the potential for developing the agricultural market is vast. Therefore, many people with passion and persistence came to this continent to realise their life goals and make contributions to the improvement of many farmers’ lives. Volker Harmen Schadewaldt and his mother, Hertha, came to[...]

By Specialist Writer|2nd September 2024|Categories: Zambia|Tags: , , , |
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