ProAgri BNZ 53
This year surely kicked off on a high note. We started off this year hitting the ground running. How has this year begun for you? 2023 came with its sets of challenges for all of us, but it still ended beautifully. I have this feeling that 2024 will be[...]
ProAgri BNZ 52
365 days equals 365 opportunities We are standing before a new year, 365 days, each with a new opportunity of doing something that will inch you closer towards a better tomorrow. Where do you see yourself within a years’ time? I grew up on a farm, so I know[...]
ProAgri BNZ 51
Closing the last page of this year’s calendar Several times I get asked by team members to assist with a farming calendar, and every time I realise this more and more: A farming calendar is more than just ink on paper; it is the lighthouse that steers the ship[...]
ProAgri BNZ 48
The diverse and ever-evolving world of agriculture African agriculture, with its vast potential, holds the key to eradicating hunger and poverty among its rural populations. The agricultural industry is one of the most diverse industries world-wide. Agriculture has been a crucible of evolutionary change ever since its inception thousands[...]
ProAgri BNZ 47
WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE From the classroom to the farm to the boardroom … women in agriculture are helping to pave the way for a better future. As leaders, it is our responsibility to make sure the next generation of women are educated, encouraged and empowered to take on the[...]