processing of condiments
Processing of condiments Part 21: Grape vinegar
Vinegar is the sour liquid obtained by naturally fermenting the juice of any fruit, cereal or sugar substances. Fermented grape juice, that is wine, is used as the starting material to which the vinegar plant (yeast culture) is added. The wine undergoes an acetic fermentation by micro-organisms of the[...]
Processing of condiments Part 20: Apple cider vinegar
Vinegar is the sour liquid obtained by naturally fermenting the juice of any fruits, cereals, or sugar substances. Apple vinegar is produced by alcoholic fermentation followed by acetous bacterial oxidation of apple juice. Apple vinegar should contain between 5 and 12% acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar is produced from[...]
Processing of condiments Part 19: Tomato sauce (Ketchup)
Ketchup is made from strained, pulped tomatoes and additions such as spices, salt, sugar, vinegar, onions, and garlic, and it contains no less than 12% tomato solids. The principles of manufacturing ketchup are based on the preparation of a tomato puree or paste. The percentage of tomato solids in[...]
Processing of condiments – Part 17: Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is made from shredded cabbage leaves preserved through an acidifying fermentation process. Sauerkraut is produced from both hard white or red cabbage varieties. Process description Harvesting of cabbage Cabbage is harvested by cutting the heads from the stems with sharp knives or blades. This is usually done by[...]
Processing of condiments Part 15: Pickled Chillies – small scale
Chilli peppers can easily be pickled in a brine or vinegar solution, alone or with other vegetables and seasoning. The bright red-coloured chillies make attractive pickles. Certain varieties can be pickled as whole pods, while larger peppers are cut into strips. Examples of small-scale pickled chillies: Process description Harvesting[...]