Monarch Tractor
Technews: The latest in agricultural technology from around the world
Every potato sprouts: New planter takes the risk out of potato planting Ropa from Germany has developed a machine for manually planting pre-sprouted potatoes. The planter, named Gecko, gently plants potatoes without breaking the sprouts. It offers high efficiency and good working conditions for the personnel. The Gecko was[...]
Tegnuus: Die nuutste in landboutegnologie van regoor die wêreld
Elke moer spruit: Nuwe planter neem die risiko uit aartappels plant Ropa van Duitsland het ՚n masjien ontwikkel om voorafontkiemde aartappels met die hand te plant. Die planter, genaamd Gecko, plant aartappels sagkens sonder om die uitloopsels te breek. Dit bied hoë doeltreffendheid en goeie werksomstandighede vir die werkers.[...]