Beskerm jou kosbare besittings met Bonnox
‘n Mens se besittings is vir jou belangrik, want jy werk immers hard daaraan om iets op te bou in jou lewe. Wanneer jou besittings ook die bron van jou inkomste is, is net die beste beskerming goed genoeg. By El Shaddai Stables net buite Carletonville het André van[...]
Efficient fencing that lasts:
With Bonnox, you score between the posts! Bonnox is well renowned for their quality and fully galvanised fencing. Already, many farmers are aware of Bonnox’s range of fine products: The “Money Saver”, “Close Mesh”, “Kombi Fence”, “Square Mesh”, “Multi Fence” and “Flexi Fence” were all meticulously designed to provide[...]
Doeltreffende heinings wat hou: BONNOX verskaf net wat jy nodig het, blitsvinnig
Met BONNOX druk jy ’n drie tussen die pale! Die naam BONNOX is sinoniem met top gehalte, volversinkte heinings wat reeds sedert 1962 vertroue en respek inboesem. Elke boer is reeds bewus van BONNOX se puik produkte: Die Money Saver-, Close Mesh-, Kombi Fence-, Square Mesh-, Multi Fence- en[...]
Bonnox encloses from pigs to predators
“Good fences make good neighbours.” We have all heard this little gem of wisdom before, but if you can add ‘quality’, ‘durable’ and ‘lasting’ to the description, you most probably have erected Bonnox-fencing on your farm already. Bonnox doesn’t need an effusive introduction to the ProAgri Zambia reader and[...]