Bearings International boosts industrial solutions with premium I-MAK brand

The strategic alliance between Bearings International (BI) and I-MAK initiated in February 2019 signalled a new chapter in BI's mission to augment its selection of premium brand offerings in a bid to deliver top-tier strategic solutions to Africa’s Sub-Saharan region. Robert Sillis, General Manager, BI Product Management, comments: "Our[...]

By Specialist Writer|26th March 2024|Categories: Articles, Mechanisation|Tags: , , |

Come look at NAMPO 2023: BI shows their leading brands and agri expertise

 Article supplied Leading supplier Bearings Interna­tional (BI) sees Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day from 16 to 19 May as an important platform to interact with customers, original equipment manu­facturers (OEMs) and end users from all over South Africa, and to showcase its comprehensive product range for the farming community,[...]

By Specialist Writer|5th April 2023|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , |

Bearings International: Laers van die hoogste gehalte

Bearings International, met die leuse “AGRI-SMART, Your Solutions Partner”, is een van die leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse landboumark met die voorsiening van laers, elektriese motors en transmissieprodukte. Bearings International streef daarna om deur sy 40+ takke landswyd, toegevoegde waarde aan die eindverbruiker te bring. Toegevoegde waarde soos ʼn noodlyn[...]

By Specialist Writer|22nd March 2023|Categories: Artikels, Hulpbronbestuur|Tags: , , |

BI plans promotions, special offers in 2023 to showcase new online store

Leading supplier Bearings International (BI) will run various promotions and special offers during 2023 to promote its online store, which has been up and running for seven months. “We are very happy with the functionality of the platform,” comments Charmaine Beukes, Business Unit Leader, Allied Products. “During the initial[...]

By Specialist Writer|23rd January 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |
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