Categories: Animal Management, Livestock and gamePublished On: 8th November 2024

Freeze branding cattle with Dry Ice International: A quick guide

By 2 min read


For farmers looking for a humane, lasting mark on their cattle, freeze branding is a fantastic choice, and Dry Ice International makes it easy. Here is a streamlined guide to creating a clean, cool brand on your herd.

Step 1: Gather your essentials

You will need high-quality dry ice, which you can get directly from Dry Ice International, along with alcohol (often isopropyl) as a coolant. You will also need branding irons and clippers to prepare the branding site.

Step 2: Prep the branding site

Start by shaving a square patch of hair where you want the brand. Shaving ensures the iron has solid contact with the skin, making the brand mark clear and consistent.

Freeze branding creates a white mark that is clear and visible even from a distance.

Step 3: Chill the branding iron

Place your branding iron in a container with dry ice and alcohol. With Dry Ice International’s dry ice, the iron will reach the necessary -78,5 °C quickly. This temperature is key to achieving a clear freeze brand.

Step 4: Apply the branding iron

Now, press the iron firmly on the shaved skin for about 45 seconds. Timing is crucial: if you pull away too soon, the brand might not be fully visible; hold it too long, and it could cause injury. Keep an eye on the clock to ensure consistency.

Step 5: Wait for results

In a few weeks, you will start seeing white hair regrow in the branded area or, occasionally, a bald patch in the brand’s shape – both make for a permanent, easy-to-spot mark.

Dry Ice International provides not only the dry ice, but also guides and expertise to make your freeze branding experience simple and effective. Their products are designed to give you reliable, high-quality results every time, so you can mark your herd with ease.

Freeze branding is much less painful for your beloved cattle than normal branding methods.

For more information, visit You can also send an e-mail to


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