
Production guide for small grains in Africa: Part 1 Fight back against drought

This is a quick production guide for three drought tolerant small grain crops, namely sorghum, pearl millet and finger millet. The three crops are key for household food and nutritional security as well as income in the marginal areas (agro-ecological zones III, IV & V) of Africa. Their significance[...]

By Benine Ackermann|8th August 2024|Categories: Articles, Crop production|Tags: , , , , |

Zambia faces severe drought crisis impacting cattle feed availability – are climate smart crops the answer?

Zambia is currently grappling with a severe drought that threatens to devastate its agricultural sector, particularly the livestock industry. The lack of rain has led to massive crop failures, resulting in an acute shortage of cattle feed. Without immediate intervention, Zambian cattle farmers could face losses of up to[...]

By Bianca Henning|18th July 2024|Categories: Articles, Livestock and game|Tags: , , |

PwC weather scenarios highlight how drought and heat stress will impact the production of essential metals, minerals and food crops

Climate change will pressure the production of mine and farm commodities by 2035 and beyond. South African companies dependent on metals, minerals and food crops need to understand and mitigate this risk to their operations. PwC South Africa is pleased to share its sixth South Africa Economic Outlook report[...]

By Specialist Writer|26th June 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Drought tests Zimbabwe’s disaster preparedness

Zimbabwe’s disaster preparedness has returned to haunt the country in the aftermath of a devastating drought. Questions have long been asked about the reliability and efficacy of the country’s early warning systems to forecast pending disasters such as below normal rainfall that will lead to drought. While other Southern[...]

By Marko Phiri|13th May 2024|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , |
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