Verwagte kommersiёle mielie-oes 1,62% meer as vorige skatting

Die grootte van die verwagte kommersiële mielie-oes is op 12,420 miljoen ton gestel, wat 1,62% of 197 550 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 12,223 miloen ton. Die skatting van die oppervlakte onder mielies het met 16 150 ha toegeneem na 2,319 miljoen ha, terwyl die verwagte[...]

Final area planted and crop production figures

At a meeting held on 15 February 2018, the Crop Estimates Liaison Committee (CELC) oversaw the process for the finalisation of the crop production figures of commercial white and yellow maize, sunflower seed, soybeans, groundnuts and sorghum for 2017. The estimated total production figures as released by the national[...]

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