Fruit production part 6: Blueberries
Blueberries are a well-known fruit across the globe. The juicy, marblesized fruits are a culinary favourite, making its way into the muffins, pancakes, bread and breakfast bowls of consumers everywhere. Although the market value of the humble blueberry has declined in recent years, farmers still invest in this crop[...]
Namibia harvests first commercial blueberries thanks to smart irrigation
July 2020 saw the commencement of Namibia's first-ever commercial harvest of blueberries by local company Mashare Berries Farming (Pty) Ltd. The historic harvest took place on a 20 ha development located close to the Okavango River between Mashare and Mupapama villages in Kavango East, northern Namibia. The fruit is[...]
Irrigation- Less effort; more accuracy: Farm Agrico green with blueberries
“I feel more in control of my farm,” says Ernst Myburg of the farm Lekkerwater near Porterville in the Cape province of South Africa. Ernst and his wife, Alana, took the big step on their blueberry farm with an improved and automated irrigation system. “You cannot afford not to[...]