Ancient African food
Ancient African food Part 5.2: Marama, lablab and bambara beans
Legumes are a staple in many developing countries. Besides being a valuable source of protein, it also enriches the soil in which it grows. In this series we highlight traditional crops that can contribute to providing nutritional meals to people. Marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) The marama bean is a[...]
Ancient African food plants 5.1
by Tisha Steyn In previous issues, we discussed the value of indigenous and ancient food plants of Africa that can provide essential nutrition that is lacking from ‘modern’ food plants that are presently cultivated in many African countries. Even though there may be enough food to keep the continent’s[...]
Ancient African food Part 4: The answer to Africa’s malnutrition and obesity?
by Tisha Steyn In the previous issue, we discussed ways of bringing back food plants our ancestors used, but which have become neglected and underutilised in recent times. By using these plants in the diet, African families will get the nutrients they need on a sustainable and affordable basis,[...]
Ancient African food Part 3: The answer to Africa’s malnutrition and obesity?
In the previous two issues on ancient African foods, we discussed food security in Africa and how ancient food plants that are not cultivated anymore can help to add nutrients to the African diet. Modern foodplants do not provide enough nutrients, which leads to several disorders, including stunted growth[...]
Ancient African food Part 2: The answer to Africa’s malnutrition and obesity?
Jute mallow grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions throughout the world. In the previous issue, we looked at the state of food security in Africa and especially the lack of sufficient nutrients in modern food that is presently grown on the continent. Africa has for a long time suffered[...]