
Join the first-ever production auction for Moalosi Bonsmara on 28 June, 2023

While there are many breeds of cattle you can choose from as a farmer, Bonsmara cattle are one of the breeds to take into account as an investment. Their ability to thrive in a variety of environments makes them a good choice for commercial and small-scale farmers nationwide, which[...]

Syferfontein Bonsmaras bied aan: Die grootste vroulike aanbod van Syferfontein genetika

Syferfontein Bonsmaras se leuse: In ons strewe na perfeksie, is die toonbeeld van wat jaarliks op hulle produksieveiling aangebied word. Op die 22ste Junie 2023, te Plaas Goodlands, Vrede Distrik bied Syferfontein Bonsmaras sowat ‘n 130 SP vroulike diere aan. Die vroulike, vroegryp diere is in verskillende produksie stadia’s[...]

The History of the Sernick Bonsmara Stud

The Sernick Group as it is known today was born from a young Nick Serfontein’s dream to become a farmer. He was advised by his parents to choose another career, which he did, but his dream of farming was a calling he just could not silence. Then in 1983,[...]

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