
New revenue stream for the agricultural industry

Article supplied 27 July 2021 Investing in cryptocurrencies has become a reality for individuals and businesses in the agricultural industry with the release of a new crypto collecting hotspot that is designed to earn money while providing a long-range Wi-fi network for the Internet of Things (IoT). Similar in[...]

By Specialist Writer|10th August 2021|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , |

Die kommunikasierewolusie: Suig boere steeds aan die agterspeen?

Die son stoot lui-lui sy oggendstrale oor Spitskop om die reeds bedrywige plaaswerf op Biesiesvlei te belig. Die strale word dadelik deur die plaas se outomatiese energiebestuurstelsel gegryp om hulle werk te doen om die sonpanele op die pakhuis se dak te aktiveer. In die pakhuis word daar oorgeskakel[...]

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