Rumax 7
Give your livestock a head start the Rumax 7 way
Every farmer knows what animals eat is the basis of successful livestock production. That is why the serious livestock farmer prefers the feed mixer that gives him the best quality fodder with every mouthful that goes down an animal’s throat and which will finally determine the money that goes[...]
Rumax se sakpasmengers laat jou voerrekening sak
“Jy kan baie goed op my plaas kom vat, maar nie my Rumax konsentraatmenger nie,” sê Carlo Nortje van Loxton. Hy het uitgewerk dat hy oor die afgelope sewe maande sedert hy die menger aangeskaf het, 22 dae van sy eie tyd bespaar het. Vroeër moes sy werkers die[...]