Rainbow Reservoirs

Understanding virtual water and its role in daily life

Virtual water refers to the amount of water ‘embedded’ in the production of food, goods and services that we use or consume. Often invisible to the consumer, virtual water represents the hidden water footprint “behind” everyday products. Understanding this concept is essential for promoting sustainable water use, particularly in[...]

By Specialist Writer|20th November 2024|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , , , |

Water stress is the new normal: Take control of your water security with OASIS agricultural water tanks

South Africa is a water scarce country… the 30th driest in the world. Half of our country’s river flow is provided by only 10% of its land. Alarmingly, most of the mountain catchment regions that feed our major rivers do not have ‘protected’ status. And yet these catchments are[...]

Say goodbye to shallow solutions: Rainbow Reservoirs is the only way to go

Water, tanks, storage … if these words sound like something close to your need, you should be introduced to Rainbow Reservoirs. Established in 2003, this company has proven that it is worth its salt. They are manufacturers and suppliers of tanks made of bolted Aluzinc steel panels. Their reach[...]

By Ashleigh Schubert|16th April 2024|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: , , |
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