
Protect your crop with nets but keep nature a partner

Nobody doubts the fact that orchards, vineyards and vegetable lands perform better when covered with netting that those that are left uncovered and are open to the ravage of the scorching sun, raging wind and devastating hailstorms. Bees can continue unhindered with the pollination of crops but birds are[...]

By Specialist Writer|13th July 2020|Categories: Articles, Crop production, Greenhouses, Resource management|Tags: |

Tranquil sleep for farmers when PlusNet protect their crops

If a farmer enjoys tranquil sleep without the worries of possible hail damage to fruit, water wastage and discarding damaged fruit, he most probably already has his orchard under PlusNet protection. “More and more farmers are turning to the advantages of net crop protection,” says Piet Buitendag, general manager[...]

By Annemarie Bremner|1st July 2019|Categories: Articles, Resource management|Tags: |
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