Boost your profits with better pastures
Botswana is home to more cattle than people. In recent years, the government has made an effort to encourage agriculture in order to boost the national economy. Many farms are being set up, particularly in the northern regions, and many irrigation projects are launched. These irrigated farms are mainly[...]
Bulldoze your way to improved pastures
If someone told a farmer that he does not need irrigation, additional seed or fertiliser to improve the quality of his pastures, but rather a bulldozer, most people will lose all faith in his credibility. In fact, bulldozing a pasture is the exact opposite of what you should logically[...]
Invest in winning pastures and raise farming profits
Forage crops can make or break a productive farming enterprise. Good pastures could either mean the difference between a profitable year for the farmer or one where the farmer will be forced to approach his bank manager once again to plead for mercy. In South Africa natural grazing cannot[...]