Honey I’m home: Turning wild bees into cash in Zimbabwe
Unemployed women in Zimbabwe's second city are turning to nature to earn a living as they collect wild honey to sell in the country's major cities. Honey has proved to be popular here in Bulawayo, with virtually every corner of the central business district having women selling the sweet[...]
Beekeeping part 10: Harvesting and marketing of honey
by Tisha Steyn Once a year, usually in late summer, depending on rainfall and forage availability, honey is harvested from the hives. In Part 9 we learned that the hive consists of the brood chamber and the super chambers. The bees build their comb onto the wooden frames that[...]
Turn your crops into condiments and seasonings – Part 2: Introduction and honey production
by Theresa Siebert This month we shall firstly look at the short overview of the rest of the products we shall discuss in more detail later in this series. The first product we take an in-depth look at is honey processing. Cottage cheese is categorised as a cultured dairy[...]