Beekeeping part 10: Harvesting and marketing of honey
by Tisha Steyn Once a year, usually in late summer, depending on rainfall and forage availability, honey is harvested from the hives. In Part 9 we learned that the hive consists of the brood chamber and the super chambers. The bees build their comb onto the wooden frames that[...]
Beekeeping part 8: How to obtain bees
by Tisha Steyn Anew beekeeper can buy or catch a swarm of bees. Buying is the easy option, but with a bit of practice, you can capture a swarm that is on the move for free. But be careful, do not attempt any of these capture actions without having[...]
Beekeeping part 7: Pests and diseases
by Tisha Steyn Bees are subject to pests and diseases, and beekeepers should be on the lookout for symptoms. In many countries beekeepers are required to register with the relevante authorities and in South Africa, all beekeepers are required to register with the Department of Agriculture and report any[...]
Various role players collaborate to ensure pollinator safety
The crop protection industry, together with a number of grower and beekeeping associations, have committed to ensuring that their activities are conducted in such a way that pollinator safety is a key priority. To this end, a pollinator charter was created in which all parties involved agreed that their[...]
SEB kan steeds groei ondersteun, vir almal – Is daar ‘n plan?
“'n Paar maande gelede ontmoet Marathon met ‘n bewese entrepreneur oor die SEB uitdagings in sy besigheid, en wat hom te doen staan. Met die aanvang van die gesprek, noem hy dat - as ek hoor dat persone oor SEB begin gesels, stap ek weg, en vermy die onderwerp.[...]