City Drilling baan die weg na vars water!
Kyk na jou agterplaas. Lyk dit droog en kaal? Stel jou voor daar is dalk ’n fontein van vars water net onder die oppervlak! Met City Drilling se boorgatboormasjiene kan ons daardie droom ’n werklikheid maak. Wie is City Drilling? City Drilling is ’n maatskappy wat spesialiseer in boorgatboorwerk[...]
Choose Carl Hamm for superior quality water extraction solutions
Boreholes are not cheap, especially if the subterranean water on your farm is not close to the surface. One of the greatest catastrophes that can occur on your farm is borehole equipment failure. That is why you should choose only the highest quality in borehole pumps, riser pipes and[...]