Agrico irrigation

Agrico is the irrigation leader of the 21st century

by Tisha Steyn and Grethe Bestbier What is the secret to more than 120 years of service? According to Johan Visser, drip- and micro-irrigation expert at Agrico, constant innovation and progress are fundamental to success. When serving a technologically developed irrigation market, one should not only be able to[...]

By Specialist Writer|10th October 2022|Categories: Articles, Irrigation|Tags: , , , , , |

Agrico plays a pivotal role in small-scale farming

A common misconception is that pivot irrigation is too expensive for small-scale livestock farmers. Some farmers believe that they need to plant grain extensively in order to justify the capital investment and running costs of a centre pivot irrigation system. This is clearly not the case, and Agrico proves[...]

By Specialist Writer|16th July 2021|Categories: Animal feed, Articles, Crop production, Irrigation|Tags: , , |
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