Categories: Articles, Crop production, ZambiaPublished On: 2nd February 2022

Syngenta shares interesting facts: Wheat production 2022

By 8 min read
1536 words

Print_Wheat in farmer’s hands

Wheat is the most widely cultivated cereal in the world, a staple food for 40 percent of the world’s population that contributes 20 percent of total dietary calories and proteins worldwide (Braun et al, 2010). With that in mind, grain production needs to double (if not triple) to feed a world population that is projected to reach approximately nine billion by 2050. If there is one central message to consider in tackling food security, wheat is the crop which may be considered right now in our Zambian context.

Four basic food products are made from wheat: bread, breakfast cereals, cakes, and biscuits, all of which are extremely important in our everyday lives. As farmers ponder on their next crop after a successful rain season, Syngenta steps forward to offer integrated solutions in wheat for farmers to maximise their yield and profits. Considering this, Syngenta has a strong high yielding wheat portfolio to offer growers. Syngenta is the leading global powerhouse in agricultural science, in particular crop protection and seed.

Zambia has received good rainfall in the wheat growing areas this season, very significant compared to the recent past three to four years, which saw suboptimal wheat production levels. Many irrigation farmers are highly motivated to increase the hectarage on their farms as most dams have had some significant level increases. Farmers are looking at wheat as a premium crop to maximise the profits. It is therefore crucial to share some wheat production fundamentals for profitable farming.

Seed quality

Quality certified seed is the basis for establishing a productive stand. In other words, using good quality certified wheat seed for planting is the foundation for obtaining excellent germination and stand establishment. In addition, certified seed is the grower’s best assurance of buying excellent quality seed. With environmental conditions being so unpredictable and variable, farmers need to ensure proper variety selection to make the difference in profitability, so this deserves careful and detailed attention each year.

Obviously, the primary objective is to choose the varieties that will give the grower high yields per hectare and the maximum possible revenue, but this only happens with attention to detail, and it is not an easy exercise. It is important to take into consideration these characteristics when choosing a variety:

Land preparation

The objective of land preparation is to create the ideal soil conditions which will enhance the establishment of the crop. The right farm equipment becomes crucial, farmers need a firm seedbed, which promotes good seed to soil contact and results in uniform and easy germination and stand establishment, at the lowest possible cost. In addition, it is crucial at this stage to manage the residue on the ground. With more residues remaining on the soil surface, foliar diseases, such as Septoria leaf blotch can be a challenge. At the time of planting, calibrate planters to ensure the correct seeding density, fertiliser application and planting depth for seed germination.

Irrigation management

Irrigation management strategies for full yield potential and quality need to incorporate scheduling of irrigation application to maintain soil water above depletion levels. Stage of growth irrigation applications can be used to obtain maximum yield potential but can be wasteful of water resources if the water level status of the soil profile is ignored. To optimise yield and quality, the grower needs a greater understanding of irrigation timing. There is an interesting old saying “Muddy boots are the best measure for irrigation scheduling.”

Fertiliser management

Fertiliser is an important production element that drives productivity. Essentially, growers need the right levels of nutrients at each stage of development for maximum economic yields of wheat. In general, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the primary nutrient needs.

It is vital to make sure that adequate amounts of the secondary and micro-nutrients are considered in the fertiliser program. It is highly recommended to manage your fertiliser program with your local fertiliser agronomist.

In conjunction with the fertiliser agronomist a soil test for available nutrients is very helpful in evaluating the amount of residual nutrients. Therefore, reliable soil analysis data is essential for planning an effective fertilisation programme for the wheat.

The soil test measures the quantity of nutrients in the soil at the time the sample is collected and based on the results from this profile test an interpretation is made to adjust nutrients recommendation, based on soil status and the targeted yield. As an additional tip, ensure you do not apply lime if you were following Atrazine application in your previous crop.

Weed management

Weeds can significantly reduce wheat yields and profits by competing with the crop for water, light, root space, and nutrients. In addition, they can damage the wheat by producing toxic substances or act as hosts for disease. Weeds also interfere with harvest and result in compromised quality of grain, which adds to the total economic impact of weeds in wheat. To give an illustration, yield losses and harvest problems caused by weeds vary depending on the weed species, weed population, time of weed emergence, growing conditions, and status of the wheat crop.

Importantly, wheat is very sensitive to early weed competition. A healthy wheat crop that has a head start on weeds is extremely competitive and will suppress weed growth and interference, therefore a weed management program with an innovative herbicide solution is recommend.

Herbicides, if used properly, are a safe and effective option for control of certain weeds in wheat. Crucial factors to take into consideration when choosing an herbicide include:

  1. weed species spectrum,
  2. stage of crop and weed development,
  3. herbicide persistence and re-cropping restrictions,
  4. and risk of off-site movement for non-target contamination.

We always encourage farmers to have sound knowledge of weed problems in the field. A good knowledge on weed ecology at the farm and proper weed identification are necessary tools when choosing an herbicide programme. Most herbicides selectively control certain weed species as listed on the label and weeds not listed on the label will most likely not be controlled.

Additionally, herbicides should only be applied at the stages of application recommended on the label to achieve the optimum results. The crop must be at the right stage of growth to avoid crop injury, in other words application too early or late may result in stunting and wheat yield reductions. We also urge farmers to calibrate the spraying equipment before the application of the solution.

You need a calibrated sprayer, correct pressure, correct nozzles, clean water, the applicable spraying technique, and the right herbicide solution. Syngenta Gramoxone® and Touchdown Forte® are used as pre-plant weed burn down so that the farmer gets his seedbed free from weeds before planting.

We are excited to launch our new post emergence herbicide Casper® 55 WG, it is a double mode of action post emergence herbicide (broad leaf weeds) which is specialised to control a broad range of annual weeds in cereals and corn. In addition, selective herbicides, for example Axial®, Dialen Super® and Traxos® are innovative post emergence solution options for the crop. Adama Bromoxynil P 500SC (selective post-emergence for certain broad leaf weeds control) will be available this winter.

Disease management

Frequent field scouting is highly recommended for monitoring crop development and identifying problems in the early stages before they become severe. The right diagnostic tools for correct diagnosis are crucial because control measures are different for the different diseases. Foliar fungicides are disease management tools that can be used, and seed treatments are excellent for control of seedborne diseases.

Besides chemical methods, crop rotation is a “best management practice” because it reduces the carryover of diseases, insects, and weeds between crops. Maintaining balanced nutrient levels may also reduce some diseases.

Syngenta’s portfolio Elatus™ Arc, Amistar Extra®, Cherokee®, Artea® and Thiovit Jet® for disease control and excellent yield results help protect the farmer’s investment. By following the Syngenta portfolio, farmers can get consistent crop performance and higher return on investment (ROI).

Insect management

Again, frequent field scouting is important for monitoring insects and identifying problems in the early stages before they become severe. Syngenta have an excellent insecticide range in wheat, namely Ampligo®, Karate Zeon® and Denim Fit®.

Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)

PGRs can be a valuable tool. They reduce plant height and increase stem thickness. This reduces the incidence of lodging. Additionally, the PGRs reduce the harvest losses caused by lodging.

PGRs application timing is crucially important for good results. It is important to follow the label instructions so that the farmers apply the product according to its labeled window of application.

Syngenta’s solution Moddus® growth regulator has a wider window of application than most growth regulators. It is very safe and has no yield reduction for wrong timing. It also reduces water requirement as it increases root mass.

Syngenta wishes all farmers a productive and rewarding wheat season with Syngenta solutions. Always follow label instructions concerning product application and always use personal protection equipment when using any pesticide. Contact the Syngenta team to get the best and reputable guide on a sound innovative herbicide program.

To learn more about Syngenta’s innovation and sustainability efforts, please visit or contact Admore Nyaguze, Syngenta Head of Commercial Sales by sending an e-mail to or contacting (+26) 09-679-82-012.


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