
Sheep farming made easy Part 13: Marketing of sheep and lamb

Most sheep operations derive the majority of their income from the sale of lambs or meat. As a result, lamb prices have a large influence on profitability and viability of the sheep enterprise. There are numerous options for marketing lambs and pros and cons to each one. When comparing[...]

By Specialist Writer|11th April 2022|Categories: Articles, Stock and breeds|Tags: , , , , , , |

APAC bio-security protocol by auctioneers

All livestock agents need to take note that it is compulsory to register with APAC, a self-sustaining regulatory body. With the recent scare of the food-and-mouth disease outbreak, it became clear that better self-regulation of the industry is required. Background of foot and mouth disease FMD is a highly[...]

By Specialist Writer|25th February 2020|Categories: News, Stock and game farming|Tags: , , , , |
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