Precision Optics at NAMPO
ATN was founded in 1995, and is today the leading Tech Optics company that is revolutionising our industry! We are very proud to be the market-leading manufacturer and developer of Ultra High Resolution Digital Smart Optics for Day and Night operation, as well as Smart Thermal Imaging optics for[...]
ATN’s new X-Sight works by day and night
Just when you thought ATN achieved everything that you can expect from a telescope with their X-Sight II... meet the X-Sight 4K! It really works by day and night. Now you can simply touch a button to switch between full high-definition (HD) day or night sight to enjoy a[...]
Beskerm jou eie (1)
Hulle sluip nader onder die dekmantel van die nag om hulle duister dade te pleeg. ’n Jakkals gaan nie sommer helder oordag wanneer die skaapwagter hom mooi kan sien by die kraal ingaan om ’n lam te gryp nie. Die renosterstropers slaap in die dag wanneer helikopterpatrollies oor die[...]
ECM Technologies tactical
See below for our categories that ECM Technologies may supply to the civilian market: CamelBak Military (see: ) The Safariland Group (Holsters, bullet proofs, firearm cleaning equipment, less lethal solutions, tactical apparel, ballistic helmet, heaps) see: ESS Ballistic Eye protection (see ) already stocked by[...]