Ashok Leyland

Whether you farm big or small: ETG Logistics has the mechanisation answer you need

Whether you plough and plant from horizon to horizon, or just a small patch of green fodder or silage maize for your livestock, all farmers have one thing in common: they need reliable im­plements that meet their unique needs. ETG Logistics (ETGL) offers several implements to provide exactly what[...]

By Maryna Steyn|9th September 2022|Categories: Articles, Mechanisation|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Ashok Leyland verbreed en versterk teenwoordigheid in Suidelike Afrika

ETG Logistics as nuwe verspreider aangestel Ashok Leyland, vlagskip van die Hinduja Group en die voorste handelsvoertuigvervaardiger in Indië, het vandag aangekondig dat hulle ’n nuwe verspreidingooreenkoms met Export Trading Group (ETG) se logistieke, berging and verspreiding maatskappy, ETG Logistics (ETGL), aangegaan het.  ETG is ’n globale konglomeraat en[...]

By Specialist Writer|27th May 2022|Categories: Nuus|Tags: , |
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