Categories: NewsPublished On: 20th January 2022

Quarterly livestock report January 2022

By 3 min read
506 words

amt livestock

Photo: AMT Livestock report


Live Weaner – R40.17 per kg (LIVE)

A2/A3 – R54.57 per kg

C2/C3 – R46.54 per kg

Price movements

Weaners – The price is 5.71% higher compared to the previous quarter and 7.08% higher than last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend upward over the coming quarter.

A2/3 – The price is 5.82% higher compared to the previous quarter and 8.86% higher than last year thesame time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend upward over the coming quarter.

C2/3 – The price is 4.22% higher compared to the previous quarter and 7.74% higher than last year thesame time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend upward over the coming quarter.


The slaughtering index declined over the last 3 years, however seasonality indicates that the number of slaughterings can decrease over the 1st quarter of this year. The average carcass mass is expected to decrease.


Feeder Lamb- R44.02 per kg (LIVE)

A2/A3 – R84.37 per kg

C2/C3- R69.66 per kg

Price movements

Lambs – The price is 5.95% lower compared to the previous quarter and 8.86% higher than last year thesame time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward over the coming quarter.

A2/3 – The price is 9.83% lower compared to the previous quarter and 1.11% lower than last year thesame time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward over the coming quarter.

C2/3 – The price is 2.96% lower compared to the previous quarter and 3.73% higher than last year thesame time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward over the coming quarter.


The slaughtering index increased over the lastquarter, however seasonality indicates that the number of slaughterings candecrease over the 1st quarter of this year. The average linear trend isdownward.


Baconers –  R27.78 per kg

Porkers -R28.99 per kg

Sausage – R23.00 per kg

Price movements

Baconers – The price is 7.09% higher compared to the previous quarter and 6.21% lowerthan last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward overthe coming quarter.

Porkers – The price is 4.32% higher compared to the previous quarter and 12.39% lowerthan last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward overthe coming quarter.

Sausage – The price is 7.35% higher compared to the previous quarter and 6.27% lowerthan last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward overthe coming quarter.


Frozen- R29.12 per kg

Fresh- R30.56 per kg

IQF- R27.42 per kg

Price movements

Frozen– The price is 3.93% higher compared to the previous quarter and 12.31% higherthan last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward overthe coming quarter.

Fresh– The price is 6.24% higher compared to the previous quarter and 15.34% higherthan last year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward overthe coming quarter.

IQF – The price is 4.42% higher compared to the previous quarter and 11.72% higher thanlast year the same time. Based on historic trends, the price can trend downward over thecoming quarter.

Source: AMT


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