Categories: Animal healthPublished On: 8th July 2021

Meet the nutrient requirements of new-born calves: Supply proteins for performance

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Proteins play an integral part in muscle development and growth in the young calf. Ensuring that there is sufficient protein in calves’ diet will boost your profit once they are older. One of the most pertinent questions that farmers face is whether to feed whole milk or a milk replacer.

Whole milk contains 26% to 27% protein, while milk replacers typically contain 20% to 27% protein. Calves need a minimum of 21% protein in their diet, but they also require specific amino acids – the building blocks of protein.

The total quantity and balance of amino acids, not crude protein percentage, are the keys to muscle development and calf growth, but only
the protein percentage is declared on the product label, so it is impossible to judge likely animal performance from reading the label alone.

Overall – Should I feed my calf whole milk or milk replacer?

Whole milk provides a high level of energy and protein (amino acids) to the calf, but it can also:

  • Transmit bacteria that may infect the calf, including Johne’s Salmonella E. Coli.
  • Vary in nature, which can lead to decreased calf performance or health issues.
  • Result in delayed intake of solid feed, which can delay the age of successful weaning or result in post-weaning growth checks.

High quality calf milk replacers can provide a number of benefits including:

  • Biosecurity – made from pasteurised milk.
  • Cheaper to feed per litre than whole milk.
  • Convenient, easy to use and always available.
  • Lower fat, higher lactose – encouraging solid feed intake before and after weaning.
  • Formulated to provide a consistent supply of energy, protein, vitamins, and trace elements that the calf requires.

Five “must haves” when purchasing a milk replacer:

  • Minimum of 21% protein declared.
  • Maximum of 9% ash declared.
  • Minimum of 0,8% calcium.
  • A trusted supplier.
  • Previous calf performance and calf growth give the best guarantee for the milk replacer’s quality

Convenience and labour benefits:

  • Easy to mix
  • Stable product
  • Long shelf life
  • Easy to store
  • Readily available

Visit for more information, or contact Jaco Faasen, Product Manager, on (+27)82-607-6601 or send an e-mail to


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