rabbit farming

Rabbit farming part 9: Rabbit hair production

When discussing textiles, the term "angora" by itself always and exclusively refers to the hair of Angora rabbits. The hair of Angora rabbits is one of five keratinic textile fibres of animal origin that have significant economic value. Sheep's wool, at over 1,3 million metric tonnes annually, is by[...]

By Natasha Pansegrouw|26th September 2022|Categories: Articles, Stock and breeds, Zambia|Tags: , , , |

Rabbit farming part 8: Rabbit slaughter and meat marketing

Among domestic livestock, rabbits are one of the most productive. On the same quantity of feed and water a cow will produce 500 grammes of meat while rabbits can produce three kilogrammes. The production of fryers Producing one kilogramme of marketable fryer (dressed weight) requires a commercial concentrate supply[...]

By Natasha Pansegrouw|29th August 2022|Categories: Articles, Stock and breeds, Zambia|Tags: , , |
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